The Creative Arts Therapies in Ireland
is now online polyphony.iacat.me
Creative Arts Therapies is a collective term used for Art Therapy, Dance-Movement Therapy, Dramatherapy and Music Therapy. They are evidenced-based mental health professions with a strong research foundation. They work with a focus on psychosocial, cognitive, emotional and physical needs and utilise creative mediums that allow an alternative and additional means of communication. They coordinate planned and creative use of the art forms to accomplish individualised clinical goals within a therapeutic relationship. All IACAT accredited therapists are trained to level 9 Masters.
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Available having graduated from an approved single modality masters degree in Art, Dance Movement, Drama or Music Therapy.
Available to students of IACAT approved single modality training courses in Art, Dance Movement, Drama or Music Therapy.
Available to any Creative Arts Therapist who has been registered previously as a professional member with IACAT.
If you have an interest in or would like to support the Creative Arts Therapies in Ireland you can become an associate member.
Open to organisations or companies who support the ideals and development of the Creative Arts Therapies in Ireland.
Peter London. Art Therapist
Edward de Bono. Physician, Psychologist, Author, inventor and consultant.
An online journal which covers evidence
based practice, current research, book
reviews, images, music, podcasts and
relevant emerging topics.
Submissions from Irish and International contributors are welcome and can be emailed to journaleditor@iacat.ie
IACAT offer a number of events throughout the year including training events, events for IACAT members, as well as a number of public events